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Quoting Terms & Conditions

  • Pricing has based on normal 38-hour week, Monday to Friday 7:00am to 4:00pm.

  • Deposit amount and QBCC Home Warranty Insurance shall be paid prior to commencement of works

  • Payment shall be 7 days from date of invoice.

  • This offer is valid for a period of 30 days from date of quotation after which the price may require re-adjustment.

  • We would like to thank you for considering this ProServ quotation and we look forward to working with you should our quote be accepted. Should you have any queries, or require further information, please contact our office.

  • This tender submission forms the basis of our offer to your company and shall be included in any resulting contract between the parties. 


  • Public Liability

  • Professional Indemnity

  • Work Cover


ProServ is a subsidiary of FireServ Pty Ltd, QBCC Act License:15182979.



This offer shall remain open for acceptance for a period of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, after which time it is subject to review and our written confirmation.


Contract Conditions:

Contract conditions will be fair and reasonable. We confirm that the various terms & conditions applicable to any contract arising from this tender will be passed to our finance department for their comments and whilst we feel sure that we will be able to agree a contract acceptable to all parties, we would confirm that some further discussion and revisions may be necessary to the terms & conditions currently proposed.


ProServ Letter of Offer:

This ProServ letter of offer will form part of and be included in the formal contract agreement.


Payment Deposit:

A minimum of 30% of the offer value is required to be paid upon approval of any quotes costing more than $1000.00 ex. GST. This deposit is due to be paid prior to commencement of works.



The quoted prices are lump sum and firm for an order received within the validity period.

  1. No allowance has been made for costs that may be incurred relating to the presence of asbestos, synthetic mineral fibres and/or such similar substances in any form, or any disputes arising there from, and any such costs will be extra the contract.

  2. It is a condition precedent to this offer, that before the commencement of any work by Pro Serv personnel, Pro Serv

  3. be advised of any hazardous conditions prevailing or which might be met with in the normal course of performing the Work.

  4. The pricing of labour is based on a standard 38-hour, 5 day working week with uninterrupted and continuous access.



ProServ will be always granted clear and continuous access to complete the contracted works.  It is the responsibility of the client to provide this access and we reserve the right to request prolongation costs for extended or frequent delays to our works because of site works by the client or others.

Where applicable: A reattendance fee of $300 ex. GST will apply.



All times offered for delivery, installation or completion are bona fide estimates only and shall not be construed as a fixed time except as expressly nominated elsewhere in the offer. The quoted delivery times are based on a technically and commercially clear order that will permit work to start.


Terms of Payment:

The terms of payment of this offer are conditional upon a suitable credit facility being opened by ProServ for your company. Monthly progress payments for work done on site and off site and progress material deliveries will be claimed and are to be paid within (7) days of the date of our claim and respective invoice. We believe that it would be a commercial advantage for the principal to pay for materials supplied but not yet installed and we would therefore request payment on this basis.  In the same way, payment would be sought for early delivery of major equipment to site where the installation target dates are longer than those of the manufacturer’s delivery dates. Extended delivery dates of equipment would attract additional costs, provision for which is not included in this offer.


Limitation of Liability:

Subject to clause “Warranty” above, ProServ shall not be under any liability, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise from any cause whatsoever, whether occasioned by negligence or otherwise, for any injury, damage, or loss, including consequential damage or loss whether to persons or property, arising out of this contract.


Back Charges:

No claim for back charges or cost offsetting will be accepted by our company unless the full details are received in writing by our office within 2 days of a back charge or cost offset event occurring, and our company has been given the opportunity to repair or remedy any event which may result in a back charge.



Excavations were included in this offer, have been allowed to be carried out in normal soil conditions only and our offer does not include for the removal of rock, man-made obstacles, and the like, which if encountered, would be charged extra at rates to be agreed upon. Backfilling of the trenches has been allowed utilising the fill excavated from these trenches and any additional requirements would constitute a variation to our contract sum.


As Built Drawings:

Where applicable.

We require provision of adequate building and services drawings in DXF, DWG or AutoCAD format to be supplied to us without charge, to enable preparation of our Design or ‘Working Drawings’. We shall produce “Working Drawings’ and will require approval prior to our scheduled on-site commencement.  As the project progresses many instructions received from the client will consist of A4 or A3 sketches from the Consultants/ Architects.  We will require all of these sketches to be incorporated on to the respective full-size drawings by the Consultant and the Cad disk be made available to this contractor free of charge to enable us to produce As Built Drawings



Notwithstanding any clause in the contract or elsewhere regarding valuation of variation we advise that all variations shall be valued and approved by our client prior to the expiry of two weeks after receiving a budget price from Pro Serv for the varied works.  No variation works will be carried out until approval in writing has been received by Pro Serv.  Should a variation be required to be carried out on a day works basis we would require labour and supervision at the nominated agreed rates + material, Freight and Storage cost plus 15%.


Errors & Omissions:

Should any errors and omissions be discovered during validity period we reserve the right to adjust our tender price.


Occupational Health & Safety:

We have not allowed for any cost arising out of any safety procedures to be implemented by the client as we are not in receipt of Site Health and Safety Procedures at the time of tender.  However, our company is committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace for all its employees, subcontractors and visitors and we will conduct our works with ProServ Occupational Health and Safety standards in compliance with relevant legislation and regulations to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of all employees.

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